
Kavya C

Grant Period: One year and six months

For a series of activities related to creative physical movements with fourth and fifth grade students of the Government Lower Primary School in Muddapura Karenahalli village, Bangalore district. This project aims to develop imaginative and innovative skills among students through the exploration of movements and its applications in their language and science curriculum. The outcome will be a series of performances. The Grantee's deliverables to IFA with the Final Report will be photographs and video documentation of the project. Grant funds will pay for costs towards an honorarium, performance, documentation, professional fees, workshop, printing, travel, and an accountant’s fee.

Ramesh Narayanarao

Grant Period: over one year

For support towards a series of exercises in the visual arts – drawing, painting and design – and storytelling, to sensitise the students to their environment.  This project will be undertaken with forty students, from the sixth and seventh grades of the Government Model Primary School, in Hesaraghatta, Bangalore.