Fund for Supporting Arts and Culture during COVID-19 (F-SAC)

During the COVID-19 Pandemic Support Arts and Culture

Help Artists to sustain their work and continue to create.
This builds hope in communities; helps to keep us grounded and human.

Help us to support more grants by donating to  

India Foundation for the Arts (IFA) 

Over 24 Years | 600 Projects | Across 25 States and New Delhi | 21 Languages

Photography | Theatre | Painting | Video Installation | Film | Gaming | Graphic Art | Sound | Music
Publication | Dance | Education | Capacity Building | Research | Puppetry and more

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Help the arts and culture community to adapt to the changed realities and continue their creative and artistic pursuits during these difficult times.

Your support through donations to the ‘Fund for Supporting Arts and Culture during COVID-19’ (F-SAC) will help IFA to continue its work, ensuring that funds are made available to many more artists across our programmes.