Project 560

Swathi Shivanand

Project Period: One year

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Arts Projects (Research/Practice) that will undertake a research into the labour organising efforts in the garment industry in Bangalore, including interviews with feminist activists, towards the making of a digital archive and an exhibition. The outcomes of the project would be an annotated archive of digitised materials, audio-visual materials, digital interface of the archive and an exhibition. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be selected materials from the archive, offline version of the digital interface, audio-visual documentation of the research process including selected interviews, and photographs of the exhibition display. Project funds will pay for contract fees, exhibition, hire of equipment, website, domain and hosting, and travel and living. 

Karthika Sakthivel

Project Period: One year

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Arts Projects (Research/Practice) that will involve mapping Cubbon Park through recorded interviews, stored in an interactive sonic picnic blanket, that will be activated through sonic picnic events in the park. The outcomes of the project would be recorded interview audio clips, sonic picnic events, and the sonic picnic blanket. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be the audio clips, photographs, and audio-visual documentation of the Sonic Picnic events. Project funds will pay for contract fees, materials, travel and living, printing, hire of equipment, website hosting, and publicity and marketing. 

Rency Philip

Project Period: Ten months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Arts Projects (Research/Practice) that will involve the making of a podcast series with five episodes, as audio performances for walkers to experience the city of Bangalore. The series will be based on urban research and interviews woven together through sound engineering. The outcomes of the project would be a podcast series of five episodes of approximately 30 minutes each, two short performance walks with theatre actors and live musicians, and talks with city historians. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be the podcasts along with audio-video documentation of the artistic process. Project funds will pay for contract fees, travel and living, software subscriptions, hire of venue and printing.

Prithiraj Borah

Project Period: Eight months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Neighbourhood Engagements that will examine notions of ‘belongingness’ and ‘neighbourhood’ through an understanding of food habits of the ‘indigenous’ and ‘tribal’ communities from the northeast in Kalyan Nagar. Through collaborative ethnography, this project will interrogate the constructs of caste, gender and race, as well as identity formations and negotiations through the lens of food. The outcomes of this project will be a photo exhibition that will capture narratives around northeast food in Kalyan Nagar, and a short video documenting northeast food stalls in that neighbourhood. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be photo and video documentation of the process and the final photo exhibition, a copy of the documentary video, and any writings / articles that might emerge from this project. Project funds will pay for hire of equipment, hire of venue, printing and travel.  

Roshini M

Project Period: Six months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Neighbourhood Engagements that will enable a multi-pronged creative engagement with Rajajinagar. This project will involve residents of the neighbourhood to reflect upon and engage with the various historical, cultural and artistic elements that constitute the neighbourhood of Rajajinagar. The outcomes of this project will be a cultural mapping of important locations in the neighbourhood, sketching and personal memory-mapping exercises, guided thematic walks and the short video. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be photo and video documentation of mapping exercises and the walks, copies of the sketches and maps, and a copy of the short video. Project funds will pay for hire of venue, contract fees, travel and food, and printing and stationery.   

Chandra Keerthi B

Project Period: Six months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Neighbourhood Engagements that will enable an engagement with the legacy of Majestic through personal and collective memories and narratives. This project will juxtapose personal histories with the larger social and cultural histories of the area enabling a collective reflection on Bangalore’s metamorphosis and an appreciation for how the city has evolved over time. The outcomes of this project will be a solo theatre performance and a guided walk. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be photo and video documentation of the performance and the walk, and a copy of the performance script. Project funds will pay for contract fees, sets and costumes, documentation, hire of equipment, materials, food and library and archive fees. 

Lakshmi Nagaraj

Project Period: Six months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Neighbourhood Engagements that will enable a memory mapping engagement in Yelahanka New Town. Based on a mapping of personal memories of recent and long-time residents as well as a remembering of lost establishments of the neighbourhood, this project will explore the intersection of people’s histories in Yelahanka and Yelahanka’s relationship with the growing city of Bangalore. The outcomes of this project will be an artist book and a public installation in Yelahanka. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be photo and video documentation of process and the public installation, copies of the small maps created by residents and copies of the artist book. Project funds will pay for contract fees, materials, printing and travel.  

Rumi Harish

Project Period: Eight months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Arts Projects (Research/Practice) which will create a theatre performance based on a queer person’s experiences of crisis intervention for gender and sexual minority communities, across police stations in Bangalore. Drawing upon instances of discrimination, violence, stigma, humiliation, conspiracies, homophobia and humour that have been part of these experiences, this project will bring them alive through theatre and installations. The outcomes from this project will be the play script and the theatre performance. The Project Coordinator's deliverables to IFA with the final report will be still and video recordings of the performance and a copy of the play script. Project funds will pay for contract fees, materials, travel and living, venue hire, food, equipment hire, documentation, costumes and publicity.

Shobhana Kumari

Project Period: Eight months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Arts Projects (Research/Practice) which will create a theatre performance that will attempt to capture vignettes of Bangalore through the lived experiences of a single woman in the city, and their interactions with the working class and queer communities.  By engaging sensorially with 20 locations across Bangalore, the performance titled Nantu (bond, in Kannada) will explore the artist’s personal experiences as well as the collective sense of belonging, memory, loss, helplessness, and survival for marginalised communities in a vast city like Bangalore. The outcome of this project will be the performance. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be still and video documentation of the rehearsals and the performance. Project funds will pay for contract fees, sets and costumes, documentation, travel and living, hire of equipment, hire of venue, and stationery. 

Mamta G Sagar

Project Period: One year

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Curated Artistic Engagements, will create a series of poetry events – primarily in Kannada, and a few other languages - as public and private interactive sessions, in different parts of Bangalore to explore the psychogeography of the city through multilingual poetic exercises. The outcomes of the project are public and private interactive poetry sessions, an exhibition of poetry installations, poetry videos and poetry performances, a book of poems, and a digital book of photographs of the project. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be audio-visual documentation of the project, a digital book of photographs of the project and a soft copy of the book of poems. Project funds will pay for contract fees, travel and living, hire of equipment, hire of venue, food, printing, and materials.
