Beyond the Proscenium: Reimagining the Space for Performance

Edited by Anmol Vellani
India Foundation for the Arts
176 pp, Rs. 300, US$ 20
(Please note that this price is not inclusive of domestic courier charges of Rs 150/-)
This book was supported by Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust.

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Beyond the Proscenium investigates how performing artists have conceived of space in performance, used existing theatre facilities imaginatively or created alternative spaces for performances.

Performing artists might experience the need to shake off the influence of the proscenium stage for a variety of reasons to connect with spectators in a more immediate way; to bring the features of the space they inhabit into the performance; to harness the energies of nature; to retrieve the sense of community and democratise the space for theatre; or to spurn the politics of which it is perceived to be a marker. The reason might also be sheer frustration with the insensitivity with which proscenium arch theatres are governed. This book documents these and other impulses that have taken performing artists 'beyond the proscenium' and the insights into the act of performance that they have acquired as a result.

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