Chitra V

Arts Education

Grant Period: Over ten months

Chitra’s project responds to the varying levels of proficiency in her classroom, and aims to use the arts to address the gap between the high and low performing students. The project charts out an interesting progression of activities, where Chitra desegregates the high and low performing groups of students to create a hybrid group; engages them in a series of workshops on poetry, drama, visual arts, theatre and music, drawn from local resources; follows up with a more intensive training of the groups based on their choice of art forms, culminating in a collective performance for the school. The value of this project lies not only in the learning outcomes of students, but also in two other crucial areas. The active involvement of local artists in the culturally rich Dharwad community will create advocacy for the much neglected government school community. The project will also sensitise her colleagues and students to learning diversities in the classroom, which often stem from larger social and cultural inequities.

This grant is made possible with support from Goethe Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan, Bangalore.