Surround yourself with the arts | Make your year-end contribution by March 31, 2019

Do you believe the arts and culture
are essential to our individual and community lives?

Do you imagine a life where the arts are in the everyday and accessible to all?

Then this is the right time to help us make this possible
as you look to make your year-end contribution!

Become a Friend of IFA and journey through the many worlds of arts and culture with us.

In the past year, we celebrated a special milestone of 25 years of supporting the arts and culture, we launched The IFA Archive, made our highest number of grants in any year—55 across our five programmes, and organised over 80 showcases of film screenings, performances, exhibitions, talks, presentations and more, across the country. This is only a glimpse into the work we do and support. All these landmarks have only been made possible with your passionate support!

Become a Friend of IFA and surround yourself with the arts by making your year-end contribution of
Rs 5,000 onwards before March 31, 2019.

Your donation is tax-exempt under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act in India. In order to avail of the 501 (c) Tax Exemption in the US, contribute through the Foster India Foundation.

To learn more write to

To make your contribution online, click here (please do not use special characters ~,!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,),., when filling the form)

To make your contribution by cheque, click here