Khayal Ajaybhai Trivedi

25 x 25

Grant Period: Four months

Khayal Trivedi is a curator and researcher working at the intersection of new media arts and technologies. Through this grant his project titled Yours, Internet aims to explore the complex and multifaceted relationship we have with the internet.

Millions of people around the world are currently depending on the internet for almost everything. Over the last two decades, the internet has expanded its scope and territory in communications, services, and new outlets for circulation of news at an accelerated pace. It is also a place where we submit our personal and often private information – both demographic data as well as our most private thoughts and lived moments.

Khayal’s project titled Yours, Internet endeavours to create a conversation between an artist and the internet. At first, the internet appears friendly, and in service of the artist. But soon its character changes as do the dynamics of power, and it attempts to take control of the artist’s agency. While the interaction advances, the internet changes its role from a service provider to a complicated and multidimensional overpowering device. The outcome of the project will be an animated website with this conversation where viewers will be invited to interact with the material which will make them active participants.

The Grantee’s deliverables to IFA along with the final report will be the website downloaded on a drive.

This grant is made possible under the special initiative 25x25, with support from lead donor Kshirsagar-Apte Foundation, and philanthropy partners, Titan Company Limited, Priya Paul, and Sethu Vaidyanathan.