Exploration into Urdu's Popular Culture | March 5, 2014 | Bangalore

India Foundation for the Arts
takes pleasure in inviting you for the showcase of two of its grants

an exploration into Urdu's popular culture

Gautam Pemmaraju, a Mumbai-based writer, director and producer,
talks about the Hyderabad/Deccan comic-satire poetic tradition
known as Dakhani Mizahiya Shairi, Dakhani vernacular history and traditions,
and the decline of Urdu and the composite culture of the region
Yousuf Saeed, a Delhi-based filmmaker, author and archivist,
talks about the historical and socio-political relevance of printed images
from popular Urdu literature produced in the first half of the 20th century,
and the stories they reveal of Urdu's transformation from a language,
reflecting the cultural plurality of North India, to one associated with Islam

Wednesday | March 05, 2014 | 07:00 PM
The Oak Room, The PARK, Bangalore

No. 14/7, M G Road, Bangalore