
Sukanya Deb

Grant Period: Four months

For the creation of hypertext poetry/ fiction based on an exploration of the place of pornography and erotic imagery in India from the past to contemporary times. Through research into erotic and desirous images created under royal patronage to the more recent images in the digital sphere, the project seeks to focus on the contemporary understandings of terms such as ‘erotic’ and ‘sexual’, particularly from the point of view of female and queer pleasure. The outcome of this project will be a website containing the hypertext poetry/ fiction alongside a selection of erotic images, and a foldable booklet. The Grantee’s deliverables to IFA along with the final report will be the hypertext poetry/ fiction, copies of the booklet and the website downloaded on a drive. Grant funds will pay for printing, honorarium, professional fees, purchase of books and online material and website creation.


Grant Period: One year and six months

For research to study folk songs in Haryana that have kept alive the memories of the Partition of India. Looking beyond the conventional modes of writing history, and focusing on women, this projects attempts to explore the sociocultural sphere to investigate the lasting effects of the divide on the lives of survivors. The outcome will be a manuscript for a book. The Grantee’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be the manuscript, audiovisual documentation from the field and interviews with local resource people.  Grant funds will pay for an honorarium, travel, food and living costs, equipment rental, books and stationery purchase costs, internet subscription and an account’s fee.

Parshati Dutta

Grant Period: One year and six months

For research to study the significance and interrelationship of cultural heritage and conflict in Kashmir. The project aims to understand how heritage impacts the identities and values of communities in times of conflict. The outcome will be an essay and an interactive installation with audiovisual recordings from the field and stills of the mapped heritage sites. The Grantee’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be an essay and an audiovisual documentation from the installation. Grant funds will pay for an honorarium, travel, food and living costs, exhibition costs, professional fees, book purchase, library fees, stationery and photocopy costs, equipment rental and an accountant’s fee.

Ashok Lote

Grant Period: over one year and six months

For research on the role played by progressive theatre in Haryana, through the work of the Haryana Gyan Vigyan Samiti,  in the struggle for the freedom of expression of women over the past forty years. The outcome of this project will be a monograph. 

Anuradha Mangatram

Grant Period: Over one year and six months

For research into the progressive transformation of the raagini in Haryana through the expressions of women and Dalits. Exploring the effects on the social structure of Haryana through the 19th century reform movements and the freedom struggle, the project will focus on the experiences of participation and acceptance of women and Dalit writers and practitioners in the art form. The outcome of this project will be a monograph.