Grant & Projects

Shrikant Navalagiri

Project Period: One year and six months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA that aims to bring together professional backstage theatre artists from the villages across North Karnataka to share their skills and weave the stories of their lives into stage texts and performances. The outcome of this project will be a theatre performance based on the lives of backstage theatre art and artists of North Karnataka. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be a handbook of documented interviews of the backstage artists. Project funds will pay for contract fees, production, documentation, travel and living, hire of equipment, consumables and purchase of books.

Millo Ankha

Project Period: Eight months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Explorations that will delve into the mythological world of nature worship in the ancestral land of Ziro valley, Arunachal Pradesh. In collaboration with the elders, women and girls of Apatani community, a speculative visual archive will be staged through performance, drawing, and photography. The outcome of the project will be a visual archive created as a zine. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be a zine, and selected images from the visual archive. Project funds will pay for contract fees, travel and living, materials, hire of equipment, communications, and printing. 

Aadithya S

Project Period: One year

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA that will facilitate research and analysis to uncover the historical significance of lobby cards and explore the broader discourse on intersection of cinema, design, and spatial dynamics based on the collection of Tamil film lobby cards at The Cinema Resource Centre. The outcomes of the project will be a series of scholarly essays, an online catalogue, zines, lecture performances and heritage walks. The Project Coordinator’s final deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be soft copies of the writings and essays, hard and soft copies of the printable zines, audio and video recordings of lecture performances, and photo and video documentation of the heritage walk. This is a collaboration with The Cinema Resource Centre in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Project funds will pay for travel and living, printing, contract fees, documentation, hire of equipment, website building, hire of venue, and materials.

Prithiraj Borah

Project Period: Eight months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Neighbourhood Engagements that will examine notions of ‘belongingness’ and ‘neighbourhood’ through an understanding of food habits of the ‘indigenous’ and ‘tribal’ communities from the northeast in Kalyan Nagar. Through collaborative ethnography, this project will interrogate the constructs of caste, gender and race, as well as identity formations and negotiations through the lens of food. The outcomes of this project will be a photo exhibition that will capture narratives around northeast food in Kalyan Nagar, and a short video documenting northeast food stalls in that neighbourhood. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be photo and video documentation of the process and the final photo exhibition, a copy of the documentary video, and any writings / articles that might emerge from this project. Project funds will pay for hire of equipment, hire of venue, printing and travel.  

Shivesh Kumar

Project Period: Eight months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Explorations that will delve into involving Chhau dancers in contemporary theatre towards the making of a devised theatrical production. The outcome of the project will be the playscript in Hindi and the pre-production process of the devised theatrical production. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be the playscript, and the audio-visual documentation of the artistic process of the devised piece. Project funds will pay for contract fees, and travel and living. 

Roshini M

Project Period: Six months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Neighbourhood Engagements that will enable a multi-pronged creative engagement with Rajajinagar. This project will involve residents of the neighbourhood to reflect upon and engage with the various historical, cultural and artistic elements that constitute the neighbourhood of Rajajinagar. The outcomes of this project will be a cultural mapping of important locations in the neighbourhood, sketching and personal memory-mapping exercises, guided thematic walks and the short video. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be photo and video documentation of mapping exercises and the walks, copies of the sketches and maps, and a copy of the short video. Project funds will pay for hire of venue, contract fees, travel and food, and printing and stationery.   

Chandra Keerthi B

Project Period: Six months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Neighbourhood Engagements that will enable an engagement with the legacy of Majestic through personal and collective memories and narratives. This project will juxtapose personal histories with the larger social and cultural histories of the area enabling a collective reflection on Bangalore’s metamorphosis and an appreciation for how the city has evolved over time. The outcomes of this project will be a solo theatre performance and a guided walk. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be photo and video documentation of the performance and the walk, and a copy of the performance script. Project funds will pay for contract fees, sets and costumes, documentation, hire of equipment, materials, food and library and archive fees. 

Lakshmi Nagaraj

Project Period: Six months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Neighbourhood Engagements that will enable a memory mapping engagement in Yelahanka New Town. Based on a mapping of personal memories of recent and long-time residents as well as a remembering of lost establishments of the neighbourhood, this project will explore the intersection of people’s histories in Yelahanka and Yelahanka’s relationship with the growing city of Bangalore. The outcomes of this project will be an artist book and a public installation in Yelahanka. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be photo and video documentation of process and the public installation, copies of the small maps created by residents and copies of the artist book. Project funds will pay for contract fees, materials, printing and travel.  

Parshathy Nath

Project Period: One year and six months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Productions that will enable the creation of a theatrical production centred around the actor and the epic character Shoorpanakha. Imagined as a process that will unfurl the actor-character dichotomy, this work seeks to move beyond conventional frameworks in dance, drama and storytelling to find a new language of performance that will offer a fresh paradigm to artistically engage with a complex, elusive and subversive character such as Shoorpanakha. The outcome of the project will be the performance. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be photographs and video documentation of the training sessions, rehearsals and the final performance.  Project funds will pay for contract fees, travel and living, hire of equipment, costumes, hire of venue, materials and documentation. 

Neelambari Bhattacharya

Project Period: Eight months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Explorations that will involve two women filmmakers to explore a Zubaan-published story on witchcraft titled Cast Out authored by Samhita Arni, by developing a distinct design vocabulary through a collaborative process of experimental storytelling. The outcome of the project will be the pre-production process of the animation film adaptation of the fictional piece. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be a pre-visualisation bible, (including the design aesthetic, visual script, soundscape) and a learning document, as a compendium of the artistic process in this interdisciplinary collaboration. Project funds will pay for contract fees, travel and living, materials, hire of equipment, and subscription of software services. 

Purvi Bharat Sharma

Project Period: Eight months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Explorations that will explore the making of a site-specific installation that disrupts everyday life, to map the emotional registers of the quotidian. The outcome of the project will be a site-specific installation. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be photographic documentation of the installation and the artistic process images. Project funds will pay for materials, contract fees, travel and living, and printing. 

Areeba Ansari

Project Period: Eight months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Explorations that will examine the urban youth subculture of skateboarding in Humayunpur, Delhi, using the camera as a diagnostic tool to delve into the social realities around the subculture as an affective act. The outcome of the project will be a photo essay or a short documentary. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be a photo essay or a short documentary along with images of artistic process. Project funds will pay for contract fees, travel and living, and hire of equipment. 

Ram Lal Bhatt

Project Period: One year and three months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Productions that will lead to the reimagination and revival of five puppet characters and their stories that are part of the string puppetry tradition of the Natt lineage of Rajasthan. Alongside the richness of artistic practice, the tradition, over generations, has also been subject to serious marginalisation and caste-based oppression of the practitioners. This project, while drawing on the strengths of traditional practice, will recreate the puppet characters and their narratives in ways that will subvert feudal, patriarchal and other hegemonic systems, thereby enabling conversations around oppression and resistance. The outcomes from this project will include the five newly created puppets and the accompanying stories, one live performance and 15 episodes of digital content that will be made available online. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be photographs and videos from the process and the live performance along with recordings of all the 15 episodes. Project funds will pay for contract fees, materials, travel and living, hire of equipment, hire of venue, publicity and communication. 

John CF

Project Period: One year and six months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Productions that will enable a cross-disciplinary artistic exploration of the inter and intra-connectedness of body, food, land and community. Structured around workshops and conversations with the elders and youth of the farming community in Wayanad, this project will bring together folklore and native wisdom contained in songs, stories, sayings, food, cultural practices, images, materials, seeds, and language. The outcome of this project will be an exhibition and an artist book. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA along with the final reports will be copies of the artist book and photographs and video documentation of the workshops, the process and the exhibition. Project funds will pay for printing, travel and living, contract fees, materials, and hire of equipment. 

Ujwal UV

Project Period: One year and three months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA that will engage fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students of Government Higher Primary School in Ulayibettu, Dakshina Kannada district with the project titled – Maavu Naavu (Mango and Us). The project will explore the art-integrated learning possibilities by considering the Mango and its ecosystem, and connecting it to their curriculum in languages and environmental science. The outcome of this project will be a series of performances in the school premise. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will include still and video documentation of the process and the series of performance. Project funds will pay for contract fees, travel and living, food, performance, materials, documentation, and stationery.  
